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Bhashavidha eBooks - listed in Business Services
Indian languages have rich literature. This is not just a olden time thing, but more and more youngsters from different walks of life and from different backgrounds are expressing themselves in their `native language’ and the readership is increasing. Bhashavidha, presenting the classics from Indian languages, brings out a very contemporary writings for sharing with all the world through eBooks.
Ramp Club - listed in Women Wear
The Atelier focuses on portraying the fashion of Asian-Fusion. We welcome fashion lovers to our take of a \'High Destination Makeover\' to become a style icon themselves. We merge \'Style Hangover\' with \'No Rules\' attitude. Asian Fashion Designers have designed each of our eye-catching apparels. Instead of following a Celebrity Fashion Icon, let others follow you! Come, join our \'High Definition Street Fashion\' league.