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Bengal sun solar energy - listed in Energy Saving & Energy Management
Solar Energy may be the current boom in the energy economy, and you might be a great fan-guy of the same, but the thing is before you install the solar panel you need to be cautious about some of the facts. Speaking on the surface solar panels need a specific criterion for the same, an area of a specific size, and a particular angle to face the sunlight are needed to make it work properly. The best solar plant installers are always ready to render the umpteen services to all the clients making solar energy the most productive.
Praana Wellness & Beauty - listed in Personal Care & Health Care Products
Praana Wellness and Beauty believes and practices Ayurvedic approach to health and beauty care. Taking cue from ancient Indian healing systems Praana has various ways to help their customers get relief and be relaxed. Various natural oils and herbs sourced from reliable and reputed sources are used for therapies. We render one-on-one care which makes the customer feel at ease. On the offer palate includes a wide range of well-being program followed in Ayurveda. Detoxification, therapeutic massages and personalised skin care regimen gives a lifetime experience. You will feel refreshed, relaxed and alive, rather in complete harmony with your inner self.